How to freeze the row and column in Excel To freeze several columns, select the cell at the page bottom (to the right from the fixed column). Now, when the document is scrolled to the right horizontally, the needed column will be fixed.Pin the first column in the menu you will see. Select any cell of the chosen table so that Excel understands with what data it will work.For his comfort, the user must freeze the first column, containing the lines’ names in horizontal scrolling. It is not concentrated in columns, but located in rows. Freezing columns in Excelįor instance, the information in the table has a horizontal direction. There you must always (!) activate the cell under the freeze row. In earlier versions the “Lock areas” tool is located in the “Window” menu on the main page. Note: This method works for 20 Excel versions. Thus, you can fix two, three, four and more rows. When you perform horizontal and vertical scrolling, the cap and the top row of the table remain fixed. This action will help Excel to “understand”, which area should be fixed
Doing it is possible and easy, when you follow these steps: For instance, another row or even a couple of rows must be fixed when scrolling the document. Let us suppose, a user needs to fix not only the cap.
Locking several rows in Excel while scrolling